From: "Randy F. Milak" Newsgroups: rec.scuba Subject: Rec.Scuba - Who's-Who - Top 50 Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 04:33:57 -0400 There are several sources that estimate some 70 000 subscribers to rec.scuba. Most of course lurk, move in/out, and then go on to lead normal happy lives, dropping in on occassion to visit the insanity that we've all grown to love. Then of course, there's the whos'who list. For those new to rec.scuba, let me help you out with a few of the rec.scuba "who's who". The top 50 roast, err, I mean list, in no particular order, is as follows: Well we still have MHK, Dan Volker and Scott....the three musketeers' epitome of the DIR right wing helium religion swine, and all around nice guys, even if they don't know how to secure their long hoses' properly. Then there's Mike Gray AKA El Stroko Guapo very very handsome, deep air left wing anti-christ of the helium religion. Jammer - His Royal Highness (HRH). The ever eloquent grunting King of the dead poets' society, dedicated to comforting rec.scuba widows and ensuring you know when you're a stroke. Limericks are a must in HRH's kingdom. Bob Crownfield - Chairman, of the highly coveted rec.scuba Laugh Of The Day Award. Chairman, rec.scuba "ART" committee, subchapter of the Louvre, Paris. Keeper of da Vinci's "La Giocondaone" and "Black On A Date". Low numbered Smithsonian reprints available upon request. Dan Bracuk - Still record holder for # of posts on rec.scuba. Midol dependent of late mind you. Wonders why, in a country famous for free speech, you 'merican's still get phone bills? Lee Bell - Well reasoned, polite, intelligent and objective as always. Patented DIR-lite and DIR-L. Vince Brannigan - Very, very clever. Not quite mike grey, but with a little more work ya never know ... still the defender of the "average" in more ways than one. icediver - AKA Michael J. Black, dickhead extrodinare - Can't count his balls and get the same answer twice. Still the whinny resident dumb f*ck darwinian! NOTE: Please, Mr. Darwin, anytime now would be just fine thanks! Michael J. Blitch - Has to keep checking the above to make sure everyone's not talking about him. John Goodwin - Anti-gun freedom from what, we have no clue, activist from across the pond. OldSalt - Flirtatious Vixen Diverticus. LOL, ROLMFAO, HEHEHEHE, Say, where's that capstan at? dennis? Greg Mossman - Moderately sane for rec.scuba. Must have come here by mistake. Brian Wagner - Very, very objective; he objects to everything. Worlds most dissatisfied PADI member. bullshark - Mike Grey 'Mini-Me', only smarter, and much more handsome. Iain Smith - Too intelligent to ever be a weenie Ophthalmologist that's for damn sure! Brian Nadwidny - Typical polite Canadian who loves cold water tech diving. J. Silverstein - Apparently just your typical NAUI-like plagiarist??? Bob D. - Little bit a PADI, little bit a' NAUI. Hotx copyright holder. Jason O'Rourke - Hoster of the infamous stroke library. A helpful must see, for those contemplating suicide. Chilly - Needs to call the incontinence hotline ... every time she laughs she pees down the side of her leg... ring, ring, "Hello, Incontinence Hotline" ... "Yes, can you hold please?" Ross Bagley - Texas 'assassino solo dei pesci' . Interpreter of 'you guys are saying the same thing', however, we didn't make it that way, we just make it better... Glawackus - Way too complex - STILL haven't figured him out yet; probably never will. Reef Fish (Large Nassau Grouper) - Typical rich retired warm water traveler, been everywhere, done everything. Thinks the 'Average' Aldora divers' a dick-head with a computer. Miranda Alldritt - We miss her. Anatomically as well as politically correct. CPR86 - Intends to live forever...yet he's been incognito for a while. Hmmm?? Popeye - Everything including an uzzie, cruise missle, and the kitchen sink diver. Preferred toothpick is any large deciduous hardwood of the forest. speedo - He'll crack you up, but probably bill you for it. H. NED Huntzinger - What in the hell is that NED thing all about? Clifford Beshers - Man of few words, never an instigator ! Kristyna - PTYJCPAM club! Thats happening Babe! Bring yer friends too! Capt Jim Wyatt - Polite, very well informed and 110% genuine; you can bet on it! Chaoswolf AKA Udo - Brighter than the average rec.scubian. During evolution his ancestors must have been in the control group. Dennis (Icarus) - Civil, but waaaaaay too much sexual innuendo with certain salty ones around here ... WTF, this place is G rated ya know! Fishbre396 - My, my, my... oh my... then there's...err...well, she always speaks her mind; must be why she's usually speechless. Genisys Davicom Inc AKA David from Edmonton - where the diving's colder than a well-digger's ass in the Klondike...brrrrrr George - DIR sinner! Bad George, bad! tisk, tisk ... :) Ivanna Tinkle - Friend of chilly's? Jack Farmer - We have NO clue why he posts here. Don't think he does either. pssssstt... do the letters, dee eye vee E are mean anything to you??? jim frei - Pressure just got to him, but he's recovering nicely. John Francis - Objective, fresh, still has all his faculties ... just give it some time though ... 50 cents says he's a drooling basket case before Christmas. Michael Wolf - Who's life's a bitch and then he dive's, uh, err, something like that?? NE333RO - rec.scuba veteran. Suprisingly, has not yet lost his mind ... hmmmmmmm, makes ya kinda suspicious don't it? Vandit Kalia - Severe multiple personality disorder boardering on involuntary schizophrenic dilusionary breakdown. Never, I repeat never, get into an argument with this man and ask, "Who do you think you are anyways?" You've been warned. vic - Polite, informed and as of yet, unadulterated by the evils that are rec.scuba. Its only a matter of time though. Steve Kramer - found ... out of memory error... kick any poster to continue. GHorn82707 AKA George R Horn - Chairman, Sea horse charity dive! Kick Blacks Ass Fund 2002! I got a cheque for ya! Scott J. Mcfadden - Participates in rec.scuba yet goes on to lead a normal life... how, why? Is it fair? News at 11. Well, they're characters, each and every one. Ok, so, which low-life was regrettably and mistakingly left out? [btw, low-life's a good thing in diven' :) ] -- Randy F. Milak A.K.A. Sir Randal of Milak, Lord of the Chamber, Earl of Doppler, Squire of Emboli. Knighted, by the SM on July 17, 2000, by degree of HRH. ~Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive!~