From: "Scott" Newsgroups: rec.scuba Subject: Re: To My Imposter, From The Real MJB Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 06:01:55 -0800 Special Dispensation. I want everyone to check the Rolls, and notify me ASAP of any needed corrections. His Royal Highness, Lord of Rudeness, Earl of Heinous, Duke of Flame, Jammer of Six Her Royal Highness, Queen of all that is Good and Right, Barbara of One True Sir Richard of Hyde, 1st Knight, Lord of Decency and Clever Wit Sir Jason of O Rourke, Keeper of the Royal Photographic Archive Sir Jerome of O'Neil, Earl of Micks, Receiver of the First Flame Sir Clifford of Beshers, Keeper of the Limericks Sir Steven of Competence, Earl of Glawackus, Keeper of Dry Humor Sir Nils of Sweden , Earl and Subjugator of Free Ascent Sir Lisa, Princess of Sunshine, Subjugator of Easy Men Sir Kristyna of Hellen, Princess of Sultry, Lord of Liimatta Sir Chilly, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Princess of Gender Equality Sir Iain of Kilt, Lord of Laphroaig , Earl of Clever Wit, Keeper of the Peat Sir Toni of Naughton, Princess of 3 mil Sir Brian of Wagner, Turner of the Royal Capstan Sir Salty of Tears, Princess of Pain Abatement, Royal Nurse Sir Philip of Karl Sir Wayne of Cogdill, the Humble Sir Alfred of Fossil Sir Curtis of Cops, Earl of Nightstick Sir Ted Of Pfirmann, Lord of Banff Sir Joan of Jem, Princess of Parachute, Lord of West Palm Beach Sir Dennis of Icarus, Researcher to the Court Sir Michael of Nelson, Earl of E. Coli Sir Robert of Decker, Duke of Somewhere Back East. Sir Popeye The Shorthaired, Royal Keeper of Firewood, and Duke of Vehicles Sir Paul of Common Birth, Pincher of waitresses, swizzler of Blatz, scourge of Zebra Mussels Sir Adrian of Aquaria, Earl of Ichthyology, Lord of the LAN, Master of the Holy German Shepherd, Keeper of the Seven Kegs, Sniffer of Young Lady's Bicycle Saddles. Sir Trace of Malinowski, Knight of Black Wetsuit, Prince of Free Divers and Champion of the Lady of the Lake Sir Steven of Harris, Healer of the Old and Wise. Sir Carl the Dark Muhl, Pancake Master and Dark Lord of the Sith Sir Huntzinger of The Hummer, Lord of Ballistics Sir Becca of Texas, Princess of Sin, Lord of Southern Belles, Keeper of the Bindings Sir Jenni of the Wicked Wit Sir Scott of Anonymity, Court Jeweler and Keeper of the Vows of Bachlorhood His Royal Holiness, Sneaky Peek the First, Court Chaplain Officers: Major General Larry Harris Taylor, Minister of Education Brigadier General Michael H. Kane, Minister of Finance and Recruiting General George of Horn, Lord of Da Bridge Colonel Daniel of Volker, Minister of Fitness and Gas Management Major Richard of Lesperance, Minister of Defense Special Forces Captain Daniel Of Bracuk, Keeper of the Unholy Archive Lieutenant Roger of Banks, Minister of Rank Insignia WO1 David of Alberta, Keeper of the Truth, Royal Librarian WO1 Brian of Nadwidny, Keeper of Courage WO1 Mistress Jody of Angels, Keeper of the Royal Dungeon, OIC Interrogations In the enlisted ranks we find: Regimental Sergeant Major Scott of Tequila, NCOIC of Partying, Royal HP Plumber Regimental Master Sergeant, Randal Of Milak, Royal Corpsman, Hearer of Bubbles First Sergeant David of Dinky, Bounce Squad, MP, Grunt First Sergeant Robert of Crownfield, NCOIC of SCU, Spam Control Unit Master Sergeant Einar of Hagen, Foreign Intelligence Master Sergeant Jennifer of Chaos, Keeper of the Flame Thrower, Master Sergeant Scott of McFadden, Slapper of Fooles, First Lord of Poetry, Bain of Strokes Gunnery Sergeant Michael of Blitch, also NCOIC Communications Security and Intelligence Gunnery Sergeant Michael of Gault, AKA "Bulldog" Gunnery Sergeant Miranda of Aldritt, NCOIC of Motivational Unit, AKA "Mad Dog" Gunnery Sergeant Peter of Tenasket, Royal Armorer Staff Sergeant Lee of Bell, Keeper of Facts Sergeant Rod of Childs Sergeant Mary of Elaine, Nuclear Engineer Sergeant Abbot of Costello, Master of Ducking and Running Corporal Moyo of Lawn Care Corporal Graeme of Miller Corporal Jeff of Burnett Lance Corporal Michael of Gray, Royal Pain in The Ass, Court Jester, and diddler of the Pantry Maid. Incarcerated in the Royal Brig: Nydivecon, Of the Clan Coward, Court Eunuch, Keeper of the Toiletries MJ Black, AKA IWANNASCUBA, AKA Jose Buzzo, AKA Psycho, Villiage Idiot, Mayor and Towne Drunk, Head of WKKP (Wisconsin Kings of Krappers and Pissers) Doing It Repulsively, Steven Of Saki Sippers, Royal Foole